I have so much I should be doing that doesn't include blogging, but enough is enough already!
This is the first day in what feels like eons that we're not to and fro.
Love days like this.
So, I'm curled up on the couch with my laptop.
Payton, Avery and James are enjoying some vegetation downstairs watching what most young girls (and their toddler brother?) yearn to watch these days -- the Disney Channel. Those silly sitcoms. Worst writing ever, but all I have to do is think back to Family Ties, The Cosby Show, and Different Strokes and I totally get it.
I feel like it's been so long since I've updated on here in depth that it might be best to do a series of updates. Much to share and one post just won't cut it. Or it might go on forever.
Whom shall I start with?
Let's just jump in and call this the State of the Family Address.
Our current state is a good one. But we're in flux. Kinda feels like it's always in flux, but don't most families feel that way?
The kids won't stop changing. Their teeth keep falling out; someone's hair, fingernails or toenails need trimming at all times; pants keep getting shorter and shoes keep getting smaller. I hear 'I'm hungry' all day long, and the next thing I know, I'm back at BJ's buying more food again.
At the beginning of March,
HOPE held their annual 5K and Fathered, the adoption and orphan care ministry, was chosen to be the recipient of the proceeds. This is
huge because although the 5K was a lot of work, we just learned that a $15,000 check is being written to the Fathered Fund which will help bring children into families right here in our community. Awesome.
Poor Avery wasn't feeling so well that day. And Brooks, who grumbled and complained every time we talked about the kids participating in the Kids' Mile, blew passed everybody and ran in on his own quite some distance in front of the rest of the family. It was hilarious! He was so proud of himself.
Ella and Payton at the start.
It was brisk.
But at least it was dry and sunny -- we had snow two days before! Huh?
Green eggs for St. Patty's Day. I think Brooks said, 'This is the best St. Patrick's Day ever!' And that would be because we've never celebrated it before! :)
A first: having this outside while doing this...
...dying Easter eggs.
Cutie Pie was so into it.
Easter morning. These two are beyond-beyond awesome together. I can't even explain how cute they are when it's just the two of them together. Look at his hand on her back.
There's Jackson again with his arm around Avery. :)
Our church had Easter services at a historic theater downtown (we've outgrown our building). It was gorgeous, but looks gothic in this photo.
For spring break, we headed to JD's folks' in Tennessee. One day, we went to Lynchburg to visit JD's dad at Jack Daniel's since he's retiring this summer. We knew it might be our last chance to visit and let everyone see the kids -- and it was our first time in Tennessee since we brought James home.
Look at Jackson at his pappy's computer. Little stinker. :)
JD's brother, mom, niece, Payton, JD
Brooks, Jackson, JD's dad, Avery and James
JD's mom (from the back), dad, brother, sister-in-law, me, Jackson, James and JD.
Oh, and Brooks sticking his head in the shot!
One of the things we love most when we go to Lynchburg is eating lunch at Miss Mary Bobo's Boarding House. Oh my goodness, it was especially delicious this time!
Payton, our niece, Avery, Brooks, JD's aunt and uncle.
Payton, our niece, Avery, Brooks, JD's aunt and uncle, mom, dad, brother and sister-in-law.
The fried okra just kept coming and coming and coming. It was heaven.
Our trip to Tennessee was so nice. It was wonderful to be with all our family there that we don't get to see enough. We look forward to heading that way again in June since Avery will be attending a gymnastics camp there. What a treat it will be to be together twice in just a matter of months!
One thing that's made life a touch more 'involved' of late is that when we returned from Tennessee we accepted an offer on our house and placed a contract on another. We're only moving 5 or 6 miles down the road, but it's bittersweet since this house has been our home for almost seven years. We have loved this house and weren't really looking to move. In fact, we planned to do an addition to create a larger kitchen and a laundry room, but after doing some research realized it wouldn't be the best investment because (although it doesn't look like it from this photo) we are already the largest house in neighborhood.
We know our new house will be home eventually, but this house will hold our hearts for a very long time.
The boxes are starting to pile up.
It's about to get ug-a-ly around here!