Quick post on something I must record here!
JD is the BIG 4-0!
Oh yeh.
People always giggle when they learn that I'm one year and four months older than JD. Yes, it's true. We think nothing of it, but since he was just 38 when I turned 40 and I've been 40 for a year and four months, by the time this monumental birthday of his arrived, you could say I was ready to put the thirties behind us and move gracefully into the forties...together.
Together with his parents, my parents, his brother, sister-in-law, niece and dear friends, we were able to pull off a surprise that I knew would mean the world to him: a week at the beach with his family. And to kick it off? A little party/gathering with dear friends present who traveled four hours just to be there for a night.
What a kick off to a wonderful week. So grateful!
His favorite: yellow cake with chocolate icing.
The deck was irresistible with the sun setting over the sound.
One of the most precious aspects of JD's surprise was that his brother from Tennessee was there. JD loves him, so the fact that he and his family traveled two-days (13 hours!) to join us meant the world to JD!
We've stayed in Duck (Outer Banks, North Carolina) many times over the last ten years, but this was our first sound front house. Having a pier and being able to sit and look out over the sound, was a true treat.
The kids especially loved the pier. And the crab pot that hung from it. :)
Okay, all of these photos are pricelesss. Look at this girl. We love her so. Lucy is truly part of our family. We all just adore her.
Our first family stroll on the beach.
JD's brother, Wade, and his wife, Mitzi.
Look at this kid. My goodness he's growing so fast.
My mom and stepdad (aka Gramma and Papa...er, Hot Tub).
Aren't they cute?
Papa heading out on his daily Harley ride.
The girl cousins! Ashton, Payton and Avery.
The beach house from the pier.
Payton, my mama, me and Avery. At sunset. Ahhh...
I have several photos over the years of Avery on this shark in the Village of Duck.
The girl cousins again. :)
A trip to play putt-putt.
Guys against gals.
Wade, Mitzi and Ashton...beautiful family.
Our last stroll on the beach.
Always on her hands.
They refuse to cut their hair.
And I love their independence!
And would you just look at this one? Stunning. Where in the world did my little girl go? Sigh.
This little dude just keeps us so on our toes -- especially our EARS!
He demands our ears at all times. :)
The men at the grill -- Tommy (JD's dad), JD and Wade
Hanging at the pool. Do you see Avery's pose? They're out of control these days.
Lucy loved running down to the pier. She loved her vacay at the beach.
Such sweet girls.
Walking back after dinner on the looooong boardwalk on the sound.
This was an unexpected treat -- a theater room! Who knew that we all -- kids and adults alike -- would enjoy it so much! It was so cool. Check out those couches!
And then it was over. Just like that, we were back home. And so happy to be. It's a good thing when you can go on a wonderful vacation, but still be happy to come home. Of course, an extra week at the beach would've been just fine too. :)
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