Thursday, March 22, 2012

first impressions

Grass did not make a good first impression on James.

But our dear friends did.  

Likewise for precious first kisses.

Ditto for unwrapping a big package.

And this weather has sent us running for the outdoors.  We have so enjoyed sitting outside (and enjoying some pretzels) with our dear next door neighbors.  Nothing like this time of year.  Mild temperatures.  No pollen (for now).  Singing birds.  No bugs.  And dirty happy kids to boot.



  1. Love all the video's he is such a sweet boy. Be thankful for no pollen instead of running for the outside since it's so nice we run for the indoors because the pollen is so bad here. The world is yellow hear in Carolina.

    I am so happy that he is adjusting so so well to your family.

  2. love, looovvee it! thanks for sharing!



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