Sunday, March 4, 2012


We were blocked from Blogger until today, so I wasn't able to post this update.

For those of you I didn't reach via email...

...we have our boy!  

And, y'all, he couldn't have done better.  I can't even put it into words.  He has not shed a single tear!  He was calm and peaceful from the moment we saw him.  He came to us.  He cracked a semi-smile within minutes.  And was full on cracking up laughing and playing with us within an hour!  He is hilarious!  He had the four of us roooollling!  He is just the sweetest child.  He is literally dozing off in JD's arms as I type!  And this child has never had a male caregiver.  Only God.  He has poured out blessing upon us and we are so thankful!  

Two really cool things: he is taken with Payton.  They are fast friends.  She's actually the one who got him to crack and he didn't stop laughing and talking for over an hour.  He just seemed totally at peace and full of joy!  Awesome.

He loves the trucks that Brooks and Jackson sent him!  Good job, boys!  Avery, we've told him all about you three and how much fun he's going to have with you!

He showed up in a full snowsuit.  A snowsuit!  With snow pant bibs under a winter coat.  And pink sneakers!  It was about 60 degrees today.  This bundling up children is such a cultural thing that we haven't been able to figure out.  Nonetheless, we couldn't undress him fast enough.  The poor boy was beading with sweat.  And we couldn't wait to get his long sleeve coat and shirt off.  Then we figured we should remove his socks and see if he likes to do things with his feet.  Holy cow -- he can do so very much with his feet!  He uses his little toes to pick up toys, hand things to you, and turn the pages of a book!  Awestruck.

Karen has been a true gift to have with us.  I've been affectionately calling her my 'personal assistant'.  She has her folder with all our flight confirmations, hotel reservations, dates, times, hotel addresses, interview questions for orphanage staff, etc.  She has been my brain!  It is SO nice!  Not to mention that she's added such comic relief to funny moments.  And, she got James the ball he's holding in the photos and he loves it!  It's in his crib with him as he's falling asleep!

We are feeling very, very fortunate and grateful.  Thank you for the prayers!  They have been answered.  It's like he *knew* us!  Mmm-mm-mm.  

I'll try to post a video soon.  But here are some photos.  Notice how his demeanor changes as the photos progress.  Amazing.

He's been in our presence for only minutes here.  But we had much paperwork to fill out and sign so we weren't able to only visit with him.

I took this photo in between filling out forms.  So cute!

Clearly a happy mama!

Here we are with our very sweet guide, Penny, in the yellow jacket and the two orphanage workers (the director is standing next to James) who transported James from his orphanage to our hotel in Fuzhou (a three hour drive).

Payton was the ace in our pocket!  James loves her and she had him laughing within 15 minutes of our getting to our hotel room.  So sweet.

Our sweet boy was full of giggles, laughter and chatter!  He jabbered until 10 minutes before he went to bed.

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